Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Heart Dog Day

Almost three weeks since my last post.....sorry friends.  Things around here have been crazy.  Good news is that Rusty is ALL better and is back at a healthy weight, we moved into a large house with a nice yard so he doesn't even know what to do with all of the extra room! Zoomies all over the house! Another happy story is that Ms. Honey was adopted two weeks ago and it looks like her furever home!! If it isn't then she's coming back to live (foster) with us...already arranged with the SPCA if that happens, but I don't think it will!

Anyway....the real reason I am posting today is that today is our Heart Dog Day.....the day our Heart Dog (Russy) adopted us...One year ago today he changed our life.  Now he has two little brothers, a big house, a nice yard, and all kinds of doggie neighbor friends who love him.  Such a turn around from the little beat up pup roaming the streets of the big city. We don't know his birthday.  The vet estimated sometime in it's kinda hard to celebrate that.  But Russy picking us does call for a celebration, so today we celebrate! I'm glad you found us little boy. 

And now a look back in time....

Day 2, after his first bath.  About 5-6 months old. He cleans up well!

It's hard to believe how little he was....he's almost double the size now.
This past spring at the park.  All grown up.