Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday...

Just an update on Rusty.  He stopped eating and drinking for almost 2 days, and just when we were about to take him to the animal hospital, he perked up and ate something!! So good news is that he's eating.  The bad news is that he is still really sick to his stomach.  He has been so good about waking us up to take him out in the middle of the night, rather than going in the house.  Now I know (almost) what it feels like to have a child with feeding/toileting needs every few hours throughout the night.  He also still has a lot of blood in his stool.  The vet thinks it is just stress related.  She tried him on a few new medications, so if in the next 24 hours he doesn't get any better, back to the vet we go.  He's loosing weight fast even though he's been resting most of the day.  Keep praying for my little boy. 

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